ExchMbx Usage

exchmbx /?

ExchMbx V01.04.00cpp Joe Richards (joe@joeware.net) April 2006

 ExchMbx [switches]

  Switches: (designated by - or /)
   -h host    Host to use, use default LDAP server
   -b basedn  DN to do the work on. If basedn is not specified
              the program will read from stdin anything piped to it
              or if you want you can type the DNs there followed by
              a ctrl-z to terminate the pipe.
   -elapsed   Display elapsed time in seconds
   -cr MDB    Create Mailbox in MDB  - See Format Below for that value
   -move MDB  Move Mailbox to MDB  - See Format Below for that value
   -xag       Use this with move for Cross-AG moves, requires E2K3 SP2
   -me x      MailEnable object. If necessary x is targetaddress.
   -clear     Clear all email attribs.
   -upd       Update, use on existing objects for quota and AL mods
   -safety x  How many objects before safety kicks in. Default 10
   -delim x   X specifies delimiter for MDB format. Default :
   -fdelim x  X specified delimiter for file format. Default [TAB]
   -unsafe    Don't have a safety, modify objects no matter how many.
   -upto x    Process DNs until x successes have occurred.
   -cont      Continue with objects even if errors.
   -hfal      Hide from address lists.
   -uhfal     Unhide from address lists.
   -keepmail  When used with -me uses existing mail attribute for targetAddress.
   -quota x:y:z Set Quota, x=Warn MB, y=Stop Send MB, z=Stop Receive MB.
                   Use :: to set quota to system default.
   -internetencoding   This is the encoding type for mailenabled objects.

  MDB format
       Format:  (HomeMDBURL|Server:Storage Group:DataBase)

    This value can be specified either as a complete HomeMDB URL value
    or if you don't know it or don't want to look it up you can specify
    the server, storage group, and data base and the tool will look up
    the proper HomeMDB URL for you.

  Internet Encoding Format
    Mail enabled objects can either follow the Internet Mail Service
    settings for how mail is encoded for transfer out of the Exchange
    system or you can specify specific values. This switch lets you
    change that setting. The default value written to the mail enabled
    objects is 1310720 which is 'Use Internet Mail Service' settings.
    See KB281740 for more info on the settings, here are some alternate
    values at the time of this writing:
          393216 MIME with Plain Text
          917504 MIME with HTML
         1441792 MIME with Plain Text & HTML
         2228224 Plain Text / uuencode
          131072 Plain Text / uuencode with Binhex

    This tool could be considered dangerous, it can quickly make some
    serious changes to your directory and really mess up email.
    I take no responsibility for you dorking up your email system.
    The safety option will bail the whole operation if there
    are more objects to work on than specified with the -safety option.

    This tool is exceptionally powerful when used in conjunction with
    a command line LDAP query tool such as my own adfind with the -dsq
    switch or dsquery from Microsoft.

    If you get an error updating an object, no modification is made
    to the specific object.

    When doing multi-DN modifications, the errorlevel will be set to the
    last error encountered. So if you go through 8 DNs and hit 3 errors,
    only the last will be passed back to you via %errorlevel%.

    Be very very careful of clear option. You can literally clear all mail
    objects in your forest with that command in a relatively simple way.

    This program has the ability to read the DN to modify from STDIN for
    instance you could take the output from program 1 and send it into this
    program like:
       someprogram | exchmbx -move server1:sg1:db1 -upto 100
    which would take the output from someprogram and then use that for the
    the DN list for exchmbx. So for instance say I wanted to move all
    mailboxes of users in a specific OU to another Exchange Server or another
    database I could do so by combining an LDAP search from ADFIND or
    dsquery with exchmbx...

    You can also have a list of DNs in a text file and pipe in from there
    like this:
       exchmbx -move srv1:sg1:db3 < file.txt
    In addition you can add override info to the piped in information
    as well... Say you want to move all users except a couple of them
    to one place you have the command above but then on the lines holding
    DNs you wanted moved to another location you add that information.

    Basically it is all in the format of the input. If you are just sending
    in DNs the format should be:
    and should have the quotes around the DN. If you want to add override
    information simply follow the DN with TAB character and a quoted string
    with the override info like so:
       "cn=something3,ou=something,dc=domain,dc=com"    "srv2:sg1:db3"
    which when combined with the command:
       exchmbx -move srv1:sg1:db1 < file.txt
    would result in something3 going to srv2:sg1:db3 and the other objects
    going to srv1:sg1:db1

    This override functionality works for -cr, -move, -me options.

    ExchMbx -b cn=joe,dc=joe,dc=net -cr srv1:sg1:db2
      Create mailbox for joe in Server srv1, storage group sg1, database db2.

    ExchMbx -b cn=joe,dc=joe,dc=net -move srv1:sg1:db2
      Ditto ex1 but move.

    ExchMbx -b cn=joe,dc=joe,dc=net -move CN=DB1,CN=SG1,CN=InformationStore,CN=2K3EXC01...
      Ditto ex1 but move to specified URL (URL chopped short).

    ExchMbx -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -clear
      Clear Exchange attrs for joe, will delete mailbox or
      clean email addresses of mailenabled objects.

    ExchMbx -b cn=gr1,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -me
      Mail Enable group gr1

    ExchMbx -b cn=con1,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -me joe@joeware.net
      Mail Enable contact con1 with email address joe@joeware.net

    adfind -b ou=new,dc=joe,dc=net -f "&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)" -dsq |exchmbx -upto 100 -cre s1:sg1:db1
      Mailbox enable the first 100 users of the OU called new.

 This software is Freeware. Use it as you wish at your own risk.
 If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I
 receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe.
 You can usually find me at joe@joeware.net