September 24, 2007 - Day 27


So the basement is now in the state that I like to call "controlled chaos". Ideas are flying about like bad pickup lines in a dumpy bar at 1:48AM (or maybe that would be 9:48PM in England, the pubs still close at 10PM right?).

I have the framing up for most of the walls now. A couple I couldn't put up until my brother and I get the plumbing done, hey speaking of which, I haven't heard from him since last week.... We are switching the plastic piping coming into the house to 1" copper and moving the water softener, water heater, and pressure tank. Actually replacing the 8 gallon pressure tank with a couple of much larger pressure tanks. My brother is getting the details on what we need to do. I am also thinking about looking into Constant Pressure Valves as well as I know the pump is short cycling. I heard it when the water softener was doing its maintenance cycle about 1AM on Saturday when I was still working on the walls. That could be solved by the larger tanks as well. Even with a larger tank though, a CPV could be a good thing. My goal is a water system that no one can figure out is from a well except they don't taste the clorine from a city system.

The doors are framed for 36" doors, I hate the smaller doors because you always end up needing to carry something larger through them. Oh yeah, all of the wall framing is 24" on center, none of it is load bearing.

A friend came over and helped get the carpets upstairs all cleaned as well as the bathrooms/kitchen so that got done this weekend as well so it wasn't just the walls being framed up. Taking pics of the clean carpet isn't likely going to look much different from the previously slightly dirty carpet so I will save you from that. :)


Using the glue on the concrete walls sucked, messy stuff.


This is view to where the door to the furnace room and the door to my office/utility rooms. Go left for my office, go right for utility room.

This is another side of the furnace room and obviously the stairway. I didn't want to close in the stairway so will drywall up to the edge and put in dowels to protect the wee ones that go up and down the stairs. That 2x4 with the light switches at the bottom of the stairs will be gone when I tackle electrical in the next few days. I have to rewire all of the lighting anyway, only 3 switches for all of the lights in the basement. I visualize at least 7 lighting zones for the basement.